Saturday, April 5, 2008

After a long 13 hour day on Friday, I arrived at my new home (of course it was dark, so I had to wait until morning to take these pictures). That is when it all began to sink in, for better or for worse I am here for the next year. I was quickly overwhelmed and wanted to jump back in my car and head home. I was flooded with doubts and questions, such as why am I here? How did I ever think I could do this internship? I don't belong here.  Just as I thought I may have to repack the car and head home in the morning Jenny called and prayed with me drawing my focus back to God and off myself. It is God who has a plan for me in this for His Glory! And it is through Him that I will have the strength to do what is necessary and more in this next year. Please keep praying for me that I will build new friendships and accomplish many things for the Glory of God. Also pray for me to figure out my schedule and begin a new routine.
My house is the first one you see here on the left.
A Close up of our front porch!
The kitchen is first as you enter the house from the front porch, then a living area and dinning area and a screened in back porch with a laundry room off of it. My room is to the left just past the frig on the left.
A view of the living area and kitchen from the other end.


Michael L. said...

How nice that your bedroom is right next to the refrigerator! Thanks for giving us some pictures to visualize where you are. You will be in our prayers!

Unknown said...

Yay! You and the trusty VW made it! Shawn and I were wallowing in our sorrows last night but, nevertheless, we are so happy and proud of you for taking on this adventure. We miss you already! We look forward to the blog updates. Heather, you are exactly where you should be right now. Enjoy it!


Jenny B said...

You made it :) Yay yay yay.
Have I told you lately that I am super excited you are blogging this adventure, that you have a cell phone for me to call you and bug you, and that I can experience ECHO vicariously through you?
Love you! Hope the unpacking is going well.